THE FREEDOM THAT FORGIVENESS BRINGS (Part 2) February 17, 2022Julia HensonWhen we are forgiven “in spite of” our behavior; it frees us to show up again without fear of rejection.
The Freedom That Forgiveness Brings (Part 1) February 1, 2022Julia HensonWhen we become THE FORGIVER a host of freedoms happen in our lives. When we no longer harbor resentment for the person who hurt or harmed us; we are not...
Let’s Get Our Praise On! January 11, 2022Julia HensonEnter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4 Establishing a daily routine for prayer has proven to...
Thank God Through The Storm January 4, 2022Julia HensonSo we had a big storm in my town yesterday. Snow and wind put us in quite the predicament. Then the power went out and after 25 hours still hasn’t...
Great & Unsearchable Things December 27, 2021Julia Henson“This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it—the Lord is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer...
The Kindest Month Of The Year December 21, 2021Julia HensonDecember is most remarkable to me every single year. “People you don’t know smile and say hello” OFTEN. It’s not just a song lyric, it’s an amazing change in the...